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Have 3 portals 1 layout... Can i set record pointer just 1 portal

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thanks for your ideas, time and thought

regarding pointing to a certain record in a portal

My main layout...MYlayout reference Accounts

I have 3 portals, each refer Messages file///

If there only 1 portal... no problem.. done that b4..

I have a script button on MYLayout ..that calculated the Record# that I need to show on one portal

When I Open MYLayout

All the portals either or at top or at bottom of rec depending my sort http://www.mastar.com/temp/temp1.jpg


I read through this twice and still can't figure out what you're trying to do. Some screenshots might help.


1st thanks for replying too...

Sorry.. I attached image

This my MAIN return screen, starting over a process

Layout using account#, but set to no specific #

Structure is account file -> Client file -> Message file

When I return back to myMainLayout screen image attached.. reference Accounts

I have several portal.. ( some say 2 is two many .. it works fine for my app, except this problem, to place a record point a specific record..)

top 1 portal is sorting messages by trig record/ time date works fine

but when i add many records... both have special NOW record

left 2nd portal is sorting messages by one different set of records

right 3rd is messages again... sorted by a different set of parms.

I tried the Find cmd on the portal... can fine the correct record$ of the NOW record

Not the slider at top or bottom of file..

but at a specific record, I call NOW...

its timestamped record..

Records above or below the line this time help operator to show view of date/time dependent records coming due without using a popup, I have i at another part of app.

When I open the Mylayout I like the NOW record to always show midst screen of portal...

Does that make sense?


Does this help? If you had FMP10 or above, the Go button could be replaced with a script trigger, but perhaps your script to go to this layout will be able to incorporate the script steps in the sample.



appreciate the help yes I think i can learn something here you shared thxs

This topic is 4594 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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