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Opener File - getting an error message

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I am trying to create an Opener File using the instruction I've found on the internet. Unfortunately, I am getting the error message The account and password you entered cannot be used to access this file. Please try again.


I've followed instruction's I've found on the internet (see attached).


What am I trying to do?


I've created this opener file to get access to the remote pZV filemaker pro apps I've created. The apps is located on a mac mini server. 


The step I usually do are the following :


- Open pZV on the mac mini server

- Open remotely the pZV app (this is usually manually done on three other macbook pro)


I am trying to simplify the steps by having the users running a script to open the dbms without having to do open remote themselves.


Would someone have an idea why I am getting this error message? The user name and the password I am using has always been the same.





OpenerFiles Instructions.tiff

FMP OpenerFile Error.tiff


What account and password are you using to open the opener file?  This will be the account that it will use to open the remote file.  It appears that this account does not exist on the remote file.


You can also define the account that you want to open the remote file in an OpenURL script step: (name this script Open Remote)


Freeze Window

Set Variable[$host; value: "fmp7://account:password@Remotehost/filename"]

Open URL[No dialog; $host]

Close File[Current File]


I would also recommend that your opener file have an "escape hatch".  My startup script in my opener files always has  the following lines so I can modify it more easily:


If(Mod(Get( ActiveModifierKeys); 2) = 1)

# Will be true if shift key is pressed 

    Halt Script


   Perform Script["Open Remote"]

End If


Thanks doughemi,


I am progressing, however I am now getting the following error message The file "" could not be opened. Either the host is not available, or the file is not available on that host."


There must be something wrong with my syntax because when I perform this action manually, i.e using File + Open Remote it works without any problem.


I am attaching to this topic images of the script I've written along with images showing the step being done manually.


Thanks for your patience!





Open pZV remotely.pdf

FMP - #1 Open Remote Manually.tiff

FMP - #2 Opening Request Username and Password.tiff

FMP - #3 Inside application (manually).tiff


I do not think you need to specify "fmnet:/" in the URL - it is implicit with the fmp7: protocol


I got it to work. I had a typo error where I've putted a semicolon after the password when it should have been a column.


Next, I went it File Options to have the "Startup Script" starting automatically. I now have the following error message The account and password you entered cannot be used to access this file. Please try again.


For a reason I do not understand it is bypassing the "Firstname Lastname:Password" that I've inserted in the Open Remote script as a host. It uses my own firstname and lastname. Even if I put the right password it just does not take it.




This is where you  run the escape hatch to determine if FM is rejecting the login info from the opener, or the login info for the remote.  Since it worked manually, I'm guessing the former.


Thanks Doughemi,


To run the escape hatch thought I had to hold the shift key while starting the application. At the moment I do hold the shift key and nothing is happening. The script continue processing without performing a half script.


What are the reasons why FM would reject the login info ?


It only appends when where I would automatically start with calling the startup script. If instead, I automatically call a layout showing only one button to call the startup script. It works.




Syntax in the script posted in post #5 is still wrong:



Set Variable [ $host; Value:"fmp7://Firstname Lastname;password:/" ] 


Assuming that Firstname Lastname is the actual literal account name in your remote file and password is the literal password for that account, it should be



Set Variable [ $host; Value:"fmp7://Firstname Lastname;[email protected]/pZV" ] 


Thanks doughemi,


Yes, made the correction as per ther error in topic #5.


However, what about the escape hatch I thought I had to hold the shift key while starting the application. At the moment I do hold the shift key and nothing is happening.


With regards!



The actual startup script should be this one



If(Mod(Get( ActiveModifierKeys); 2) = 1)

# Will be true if shift key is pressed 

    Halt Script


   Perform Script["Open Remote"]

End If

where the script looks for the shift key and halts if it is pressed.  If it doesn't see the shift key, it performs the Open Remote script.

This topic is 4448 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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