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Importing data into related fields

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I have a file called People that contains Name & Phone number fields


Then a related file called Addresses that contains address fields, which appear as related fields in the People file Addresses::Suburb etc


How do I import both the names and addresses from a single external file?


If I try to import into People file it doesn't display the related Address fields in the import dialog


If I try to import into Addresses file it doesn't show the People ID (as its related) in the import dialog that I need to match the address records to


Or am I missing something obvious in this process?

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I don't think that you can import data into related records.  That could get complicated depending on how your relationships are structured.  This would only work if you have 1:1 relationships between People and Addresses (in which case you wouldn't need two tables to begin with).


If you're doing the import with a script then you would want to go to a layout for people and import data here first, then go to a layout for addresses and import the corresponding data here.  It might be easiest if you create a custom import layout for each table that includes only the fields that you want to import. 

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This topic is 3924 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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