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Extract and modify text from checkbox set

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Hi all,

FM 11Adv for widnows here :)

I have a checkbox list such as:
Apple, Banana, Orange, Lemon

Now, I would like to add another text value to each selected value of the checkbox, in real time. So that when the user select "Orange" in the list, there will be a Custom dialog box that will let her to insert an adjective (i.e. "Good", "Bad, "tasty" or whatever she likes).
Finally, I would like to report in a second field the combination of checked value (from the checkbox) and the free adjective I have let the user add, to have:

"Orange good", "apple Bad", "lemon tasty" etc...

I am trying to play with triggers so that the custom dialog box pops up as far as a value in the checkbox is checked (this works).
Unfortunately, the free text is added to the END of the checked values, and I end up with something like:

Orange, Apple, Lemon good (or bad or tasty, actually the new added free text erases the preceding choices instead of adding up)

Might you please help ? It would be nice to define a solution that does not use script triggers as well, if at all possible...

Thanks a lot !



Hi all,

FM 11Adv for widnows here :)


Your user page has a nice profile page to fill out …  :grad:


If you want the interaction with the user to happen in a dialog box, then you need a script trigger; if on the other hand you would offer a text field for entering the adjective, then you could pack the logic into auto-enter calculations.


And of course you need to decide what is to happen if a selected fruit value is already in the results field etc.


Here's an example that may help you.



Eos !


This is definitely a step forward : )...your script is actually almost perfect, indeed when I define an adjective for the first fruit (like Apple) it works flawlessly. Unfortunately, when I add a second fruit (like banana) and then another adjective, the second adjective is added also to the first fruit, so that I will have:

Apple Good, but also  Apple tasty and finally banana tasty whereas I would like to see apple good and banana tasty only.


Is this fixable, or I better abandon the idea of checkboxes ?


Anyhow, thanks a lot ! I will work to my profile ASAP :)


Is this fixable, or I better abandon the idea of checkboxes ?


I have no idea where you're actually going with this (or coming from … hint!), what the workflow looks like etc., so it's hard to tell … but you can try this. Note that it uses a Custom Function (courtesy of Bruce Robertson), but since you state using FM11 Advanced, you can copy it over into your solution. 


And of course, feel free to do some experimenting of your own …



seems like a better approach would be to use related records and store the adjective as its own field.  Not sure where you are going with this but reporting on the adjectives and selected fruits is going to be a big pain in your current setup.


Eos and Wim,


Actually, I have fixed the issue in a very simple way, as follows: I simply avoid multiple selections in the checkbox, in other words, every time the user selects a fruit (either apple, banana, or cherry) the pop-up will ask an adjective, the value (ckebox choice + free text) is added to the "result" field, then the script clear the checkbox field and the cycle restarts again (second time the user will choose lemon, add an adjective and finalize the combination in the result field, to be ready for the third cycle etc...). The solution is exactly as I envisioned it and works perfectly (so far) because the user is supposed to choose one fruit only once.

Of course, as you imagine, my solution does not involve fruits and adjactives at all, but I am working at a electronic medical record where fruit is a specific disease in the past medical history and adjective is a comment (date of diagnosis, characteristics, or whatever) the user would like to include. This info goes to a final report where each disease and relative comment are included.  


Thank you all so very much for all the help  !



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