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Portal 2 "levels" below


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Let's assume this structure


TableB-TableD relation is 1:1


If I insert a portal of tableC in the TableA layout and I insert a field of TableD in that portal, the field displayed will not be in relation of the tableC record (the portal table). It seems to display the last value of the the tableD field associated to table B. 


Basically to make it work I had to create an occurrence of table D and link it to tableC.


Any way to avoid this ?






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What you describe is not a structure. Please give your tables meaningful names and indicate which is 'one' and which is 'many' in each relationship.


Just created a fictional example to illustrate what I was trying to explain .


mini_798508481.png mini_273314782.png




As you can see in the final picture, the DriverName is incorrect in the portal inserted in the company table layout .

So it does not display the Driver Name of the Assignment related to the trip in the portal but displays the Driver name related to the first Assignment of that company.


I know I can create occurrences and/or lookup fields but is there a way to insert a merge field in a portal and specify that I want it to be in relation of the portal record not the main table.

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Short answer: no.



To illustrate the behavior you are experiencing, consider just these three tables:


Parent -< Child -< Grandchild


Place a portal to Grandchild on a layout of Parent. Place a field from Child into the portal. You will see that the field always shows data from the first related record in Child. IOW, Filemaker never "looks back" on the relationship axis, only forward.


You must either place additional TOs "behind" the portal's TO or use calculation fields in the portal's table to get the data from the other tables (these can be unstored calculations - you don't need to use a lookup).

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