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Goto Related Record from a subsummary report in Brows mode

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I have a sub summary report based on payments, related to invoices, related to customers. The basic invoicing structure. It's built to view in browse mode with multiple options for sorting and grouping. To simplify the question, let's just use the basic scenario of all payments grouped by payment method. So I end up with a grouping of  payment types ( check, cash, money order, credit card, etc. ), number of payments and amount. What I would like to be able to do is have a go to related record button next to each payment type that will go to a found set of that group. I've tried using the Go To Related Record function but it doesn't seem to work in that way. Any Ideas?


I wrote a modular script for navigation so I can carry the destination and such as script parameters. In the script, for relatively small found sets I'm using a related record technique using a list of the related Ids and then a looping find to produce the related found set ( this is to avoid having a separate Go To Related record for every scenario ). So another approach would be if I could get a list of Ids from each group. But I'm not sure how to accomplish that in a sub summary report.


Any help is greatly appreciated

Tanks ;)



This may help. Similar situation (I think) and I put this script on a button. As you can see from the screenshot, when I click on the value in the report, the Related Records show in the screen.

Edit: Just to add, the Perform Find script step is blank, and the Constrain Find just hides inactive customers


What I would like to be able to do is have a go to related record button next to each payment type that will go to a found set of that group. I've tried using the Go To Related Record function but it doesn't seem to work in that way.


I don't think you should try to use GTRR here. Ostensibly, if you had a self-join such as:


Payments::Type = Payments 2::Type


you could Go to Related Record from Payments 2 and get a found set of all payments whose type is equal to the type of the current record. However, this would really show all such payments - not only those that are included in the found set being reported on.


In order to isolate a subset of the current found set, the "correct" solution would [a] open a new window (to preserve the current found set) and constrain the found set to contain only records whose type is equal to the type of the current record.


Thanks Steve and Comment. It looks like the techniques you both describe are about the same. I think This will give me what I need to get it worked out.


Thanks :)


 It looks like the techniques you both describe are about the same.


Not quite. The chief difference is between performing a find (which will get you exactly the same found set as GTRR would) and constraining the found set, which will not include records that weren't in the original found set.


Everything went fine except I really hate the behavior of opening a new window on Windows. So I use a technique involving saving the found set in an unrelated TO based on the same base table. So I do my found set save, then go back to the original layout to modify the find and go to related records from there. When returning to the report I'm able to restore my report as it was.


The only problem is maintaining the position in the list when returning. I have a technique that works great fro restoring portal positions but it doesn't translate to List view. The key though is to be able to capture the top visible row when exiting the layout. Once I can do that I can work it out from there.


Here's a screen shot of the report when sorted and separated by multiple criteria so you can see that it will be scrolled down at times. The previous screen shot obviously didn't show the need.




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