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FileMaker with PHP


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Thnx for replying!

Why PHP is better then CDML is not hard to explain.. PHP is accroding to me the best scriptlanguage when it comes to safety and dynamic pages. CDML can not perfom even 10% of the things that PHP can..

LDML hovever is much stronger.. I have no real reason for choosing PHP instead of LDML.. just gut feeling..

so I

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Originally posted by NoiseMaker:

Thnx for replying!

Why PHP is better then CDML is not hard to explain.. PHP is accroding to me the best scriptlanguage when it comes to safety and dynamic pages. CDML can not perfom even 10% of the things that PHP can..

LDML hovever is much stronger.. I have no real reason for choosing PHP instead of LDML.. just gut feeling..

so I
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I highly suggest you take a look at Lasso for Filemaker/Web integration:


It's a VERY flexible language, and the version 5 of it coming out soon will make it even more widespread. It was one of the original languages released for Filemaker integration (CDML is a sub-set of it), and is quickly moving into the realm of Linux/OS X serving and interfacing with major SQL datasources as well.

PHP might be the most popular, but Lasso serves this purpose much more effectively.

- John

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Noise Maker. I have the exact same problem. As far as I am concerned I feel that filemaker did a poor job with its web support and seem to be going completely against the general standard of web serving. Yes, php can do by far more then cdml. PhP is made only for the web and is based off a 20 year old language : Perl. If anyone has any solutions as to how to get filemaker to integrate with PHP plz let us know. We need this for implementation.

Yours Truly,


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Filemaker support will remain in Lasso 5, with the addition of built-in MySQL databases and connections. There's over 100 Filemaker/Lasso hosts out there, us being one of them - http://www.pointinspace.com/. And, yes, we'll be supporting Lasso 5 and MySQL when it's available as well.

Filemaker's ODBC interface has been pretty much universally decided on as "useless" as far as speed goes. ODBC works fine with many other packages, but Filemaker's implementation of it is just poor - which is why I always suggest using Lasso since it communicates with it natively via Web Companion.

- John

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Originally posted by NoiseMaker:

Plus very few webserver-hosts has Lassosupport.. but almost everyone supports PHP...

If you found hard to get FM CDML or FM Lasso hosting, imagine your task now: you must found someone hosting FileMaker, ODBC and PHP. I will say it is next to impossible. I never ever met such hosting company; I wish you luck!

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