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fixed depth columns

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Hi, I think a variation of this question - laying out search returns across several columns - has been asked before, but what I want to do is this:

I need to be able to create web page returns from our internal contact database that will print well. To do this I want to have the column below reach a fixed depth, then flow into 2nd and 3rd columns - just like you would on a printed page. I suspect that there's a Java answer, but that's far beyond my ability to write from scratch!

The page itself is pretty simple:




<P>[FMP-FIELD: department][FMP-PORTAL: master_contact_list]




<P>[FMP-FIELD: master_contact_list::wholename]</P>



<P ALIGN=right>[FMP-FIELD: master_contact_list:: phone_ext]</P>








thanks, Jeff

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