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Table : Vendor (parent key)

Table: Estimate_line Item (Foreign keys)

Table: Estimate (parent key)


I need to see my available estimate line items including the vendor name who provided the line item on a master estimate layout.


My portal for vendor and estimate line items works fine. I can see all line items related to a particular vendor in a portal on my vendor layout.


Now I want to show a portal in Estimate of all my estimate line items and include the vendor who is related to them based on the Estimate line item topic. So all "toy cars" estimates would be together and can then see all the different vendors who provided estimates for "toy cars"

So in my portal on my Estimate layout I have my key estimate line item fields and also have the vendor name.


All links on the estimate layout seem work but my data is blank?

I even went so far as to try and create what I call a hard link and have the estimate parent key = "key" and the foreign key in Estimate line item="key" but still no content shows up.

I would think that this would work the same as the other portal but this is not the case. Any help would be appreciated as I am obviously missing something.


You should probably post the file so someone can look.

Use of terms like "links" and "hard links" may mean something to you but does not easily translate for someone else.

What does "I want to show a portal in Estimate" mean?

Is their a field in your solution called "item topic" that contains the value "Toy Cars"?

If yes what table is it in? If not then where is it?

Their is too much undefined in your question for anyone to give you anything but an educated guess.

Specific questions = specific answers = useful forum.


 available estimate line items including the vendor name who provided the line item


Isn't there a table missing in your setup? Vendors don't provide LineItems, they provide Products – and that is usually what a record in a line items table lists.


At the moment each of your estimates consists of a list list a number of vendors, but no products – where are these “toy cars”?


I will try and explain better because I cannot post anything due to my file being just on a local server. Please ignore previous email and follow this.

My goal was to create a backlog of records based on table "j_VenEst_ line items”  from which I review in a portal found in a record from my “Estimate” table.

The records from table "j_VenEst_ line items”  needs to be able to be referenced two ways:

1. By field “Company_vendor” found in the table occurrence  “company_Vendors” (which works fine)
2. My challenge is figuring out how to get it to work in the table “Estimate” as a portal.

I cannot wrap my head around how to create the link. I created a parent key on "Estimate" and child (foreign) key on  "j_VenEst_ line items”  but they are not working. I am thinking the problem is  "j_VenEst_ line items” it is sitting with a blank field for the child key and I have no idea how to populate it.

I have included a relationship graph so you can see what I am trying to do for my part A of my grand plan.

Hopefully this explains things better.

Any help appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks eos,

I think your right with what I have created. I will investigate further with what appears to be my missing table.

Appreciate the input.

This topic is 3699 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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