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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Sending E-Mail


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I have been messing with this for a long time now... I get the form to enter the data to the database via the -Edit command. Then on the format page, I have the following form to send an E-mail:


<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-DB" VALUE="students.fm4">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-format" VALUE="search_results.htm">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-MailTo" VALUE="[email protected]">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-MailFrom" VALUE="[email protected]">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-MailSub" VALUE="Chapter 12 Completed">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-MailHost" VALUE="mail.pacbell.net">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-MailFormat" VALUE="chapt12.txt">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-Op" VALUE=eq>

<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=Name VALUE="[FMP-Field:Name]">


<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-Op" VALUE=eq>

<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="SS Number" VALUE="[FMP-Field:SS Number]">

<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="-Find" VALUE="Thank You. Click To Continue.">


What am I missing? I have also tried to add the above "Mail" tags to the -Edit Page, and still no E-mail... The text file currently is just plain text. Any Help? Thanks!

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<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-DB" VALUE="students.fm4">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-format" VALUE="search_results.htm">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-MailTo" VALUE="[email protected]">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-MailFrom" VALUE="[email protected]">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-MailSub" VALUE="Chapter 12 Completed">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-MailHost" VALUE="mail.pacbell.net">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-mailformat" VALUE="mail.txt">


You don't need the '-Find' unless you are first finding a specific record to send the mail from/to. In that case, execute the find first.

Rgds, Partha

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Forgot to mention that the "FMPro" in the Form Action is the action for the form. It tells FileMaker to execute whatever CDML commands you embed in the HTML - in this case the mail commands.

You only beed -Find, or -New or -Edit when you are running a record finding, editing or creating command,

Otherwise the rest of the CDML has the parameters for FileMaker to execute.

Rgds, Partha

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I cut and paste the tags you posted, and still no E-mail.... When I look in the FMP log, it does not show it sent it.. Should the log reflect this? I do not know if it makes a differance, but I am using FileMaker Pro 4.0v3 and Web Com 4.0v3 as well....

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Few questions.

1. The value I've used for my Submit button is <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="-Find" VALUE="Send Mail">. What have you used here.

2. Does the SMTP server you listed (pacbell) allow mail sending from a host account other than a Pacbell account ? A lot of ISP's don't.

3. How are you creating/saving the mail data the user types in ? I guess you're not creating a new record in the student file every time, but you haven't mentioned ant other file.

4. Could you update your Web Companion from the Filemaker site.

Rgds, Partha

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Okay... Finally! It is something with the PacBell mail server... I am a Pacbell DSL customer, but I changed the mail server to the server for my dial up account (and dialed up) and it is working!! Thanks for all the help with the problem...

It was said I should upgrade the Web Comp, but on Filemaker's site 4.0v3 seems to be the latest for 4.x...

The other thing I am not too sure about is the -MailFmtField command... I guess you can use that in place of a text file for the body of the message? I tried to put that in place of the -MailFormat tag, and it got an error in the log.... Is this a 5.x command only? Thanks again for all the help!!


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I tried the -MailFmtField command with both FMP4 and 5, but both gave me an error, so I just used the easy way and used the -MailFormat command!

Actually, I'm on a rather tight schedule, and am postponing all the R&D for later when stage 1 of my project is thru.

Rgds, Partha

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