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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Extracting and summing data

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Hi everyone,

I have a situation where there are several fields filled out with radio buttons from a value list that contains Yes, No, and Maybe. I need to extract that data and create a report that will give the percentages of how many people selected each of those choices.

I can get the job done using multiple fields (say a calc field to extract the Yes, a summery field to count them, and finally a calc field to change them into a precent of the total), but I'm hoping someone has a more elegant way to do this.


Edited by Valdrin
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there are several fields filled out with radio buttons from a value list that contains Yes, No, and Maybe.

In order to summarize these choices conveniently, you should have individual records for them, not fields. Then it becomes rather simple: just sort the responses by question and by response, use a summary field to count them, and a calculation field =

GetSummary ( sCount ; Response ) / GetSummary ( sCount ; QuestionID )

to calculate the percentages.

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