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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

External Authentication

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I am in the process of upgrading 4 related FM11 files to FM14. They will be hosted on Windows Server 2012. All user accounts and security groups have been set up in Active Directory. Three of the four files work as expected, On the fourth file, I am prompted for a user name and password, I can user either the local admin password or my user name which is then authenticated by Windows - my user name is not set up locally. I have tried everything I could think of, but still nowhere. I've tried using different users credentials with varying permission levels, including an account with full access, still no luck.Any thoughts on why this one file is acting this way.

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Be absolutely sure that the Group name in the 4th file is completely correct and exactly matches the Group name in Active Directory.  For example, be sure there are no trailing space.  Also be sure the Privilege Set attached to that Group has the fmapp bit is checked.



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Usually this is because of a typo in the group name (external account) in that file.  No reason why that one file would behave differently than the others.  Unless the file itself is damaged.

There is an outside chance that you missed a file reference somewhere and that the prompt does not actually happen for that 4th file but another file that is still referenced and that does not use EA.

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No it isn't.

Using the credential manager has nothing to do with External Authentication.

What seems to happen is that EA was working all along, but your setup does not qualify for SSO.  And you want to make it look like it does SSO so you use the credential manager to store the credentials.  That's not SSO though, it just looks like it...

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To re-emphasize what Wim said, External Authentication and Single Sign-On are two different items.  The only configuration that supports Ingle Sign-On is a Windows FIleMaker Server bound to an Active Directory Domain and accessed by Windows OS clients authenticated to the Domain.

In FileMaker® Pro 14, the flag to store credentials either in the KeyChain or in the Credentials Managers is separate and distinct from Single Sign-On.



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Thanks for your time responding to this. These files have been running for a few years on FM11 hosted on a Windows 2008 Server and external authentication has never been an issue. I'm still not clear why 3 of the 4 authenticate properly, while the fourth only works if the credential manager option is selected. This particular file has relationships to all other files. To clarify, should all files open with SSO whether the credential manager option is checked or not? Assuming that to be the case, I will once again check all file references as you suggested earlier. Again, thanks.

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