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Removing Zero (0) Balances to the Count

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Hello Gurus,


I have a tables which I called Dashboard Table; Materials Table and I have a related table Which I called Expiring Next Month & Retest Next Month.


I want to save all my Expiring Materials for the Next Month and Retest Materials for the Next Month in one Excel sheet.


Please find attached file that Im working.


Thank you so much.

Warehouse Management.fp7

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I attached a mod of your file that contains an export routine script. Here is what I implemented:

 - In your Materials table, I defined a global text field called "gType". I, also, added a few calculation text fields to deal with file prefixes on export files based on computer platform (Mac or PC). I normal would just add a few custom function for this. But your profile says you ARE NOT using FMP11 Developer.

- I defined a Materials Temp table. Same fields as your Materials table with an additional field called "type".

- Defined a script that initializes Materials Temp (MT) table (Show all/deletes all records), goes back to Materials table and sets gType to "Expiring", does a does a find for "expiring" materials, imports them to "MT",  goes back to Materials table and set gType to "Retest", does a does a find for "retest" materials, imports them to "MT", then exports to EXCEL on your Desktop.

Tear it apart and post questions if you have them.

Good luck ;o) 

Warehouse Management2.fp7

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Hello All,

This is a follow up question regarding the above, Can you please help me how to remove the count of my Materials that has a zero (0) balances. I dont like to see them in my warning count in my dashboard and in my portals.

Please find attached file that Im working on.

Thank you so much in Advance.




Warehouse Management.fp7

Edited by Rosalie
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This topic is 3218 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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