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Round Function - Results seem incorrect

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I have a system for calculating golf handicaps. I noticed that a handicap of 14.5 rounded to 14 instead of 15.

A players playing handicap for a round of golf is calculated as Handicap Index / 113 * Course Slope Rating. In this case the Handicap Index is 14.5 and the Slope is 113. The playing handicap is 14.5, which rounds to 15.

So I opened a data viewer window and entered Round(14.5, 0). The result is 15, which is correct.

Again in the data viewer  I entered Round(14.5/113*113) and the result is 14. That seems wrong to me. 

I entered 14.5 / 113 * 113 on my calculator (an old Casio), and strangely, the answer is 14.4999999. 

On my phone calculator and in excel, 14.5/113*113 evaluates correctly to 14.5

Round(14.5/113*113) correctly evaluates to 15 in Excel.

Am I doing something wrong?  

 (This is in FMPA13)


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