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My first ExecSQL Join

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Quite simply can anyone point out what is wrong with this?

Let ([

~begin = Reports » Selector::gDateBegin ;
~end = Reports » Selector::gDateEnd ;
~type = Reports » Selector::gPaymentType


ExecuteSQL (

SELECT SUM ( n.commission )

FROM Commission n

INNER JOIN Payments p
ON p._pk_payment_id = n._fk_payment

WHERE p.date >= ? AND p.date <= ? AND n.commissionType = ?

;"";""; ~begin ; ~end ; "Sales"


Just trying to pull the total Sales commissions for a date range.



Never mind. I got it. Just had to do some quoting...

Let ([

~begin = Reports » Selector::gDateBegin ;
~end = Reports » Selector::gDateEnd ;
~type = Reports » Selector::gPaymentType


ExecuteSQL (

SELECT SUM ( n.commission )

FROM Commission n

INNER JOIN Payments p
ON p.\"_pk_payment_id\" = n.\"_fk_payment\"

WHERE p.\"date\" >= ? AND p.\"date\" <= ? AND n.commissionType = ?

;"";""; ~begin ; ~end ; "Sales"


Edited by Ron Cates
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Cheers! you found a common mistake: use of keyword/reserved word in the name of a table or field (column). Consider renaming your 'date' field to something like 'paymentDate'. You'll be glad later. 

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