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Send HTML email with multiple recipients

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I'm using the SM's SendEmailHTMLFormatted function to great effect, I'm enjoying just just having the single script step. However I can't work out how to have multiple recipients in the 'to' parameter. 

It says in the function description in SM: "Additional possibilities include sending to multiple recipients, SMTP authentication, multi-part emails, attachments, and much more." I've tried separate multiple email addresses with a semi colon and comma but no joy.

Any help appreciated.


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change/adapt the function?

if (to){
	sendto = to.tokenize('\n')

		msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(it))
	}//end each

}//end if


Edited by john renfrew
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Sorry to be vague but this is new to me. What language is that? Would it go in to the msg.setRecipient bit in the scriptmaster module editor?



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Its Groovy, the language that the plugin uses.

in the Send Email (HTML-Formatted) module

replace the line 

msg.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to))

with the code above, should work.

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That works! Thank you so much. Just one more thing though, is it possible to have the separator as a comma? I've tried to replace


with "," or ',' but to no avail.

Does it only work when there is a line between each entry (as well as the comma)?



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Send it as a comma separated list, then the code would be. Works here. List is my preference.

sendto = to.tokenize(',')

What you are doing is turning the values you sent into an array (list) so you are then looping through that and for each one you are adding a :TO onto the msg.

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Perfect, thank you! I think my mistake was putting the semicolon after the:

}//end if

Which I'm guessing would be ignored because of the '//'.


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For some reason I can't get it to send to multiple recipients via our exchange server as the SMTP Server. For single addresses it is fine. Using a 3rd party SMTP provider outside the building is fine for multiple recipients.

Any ideas?

Also, is it OK to use double quotations for 

sendto = to.tokenize(',')

i.e. to.tokenize(",")


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Makes no difference, except makes it easier to troubleshoot the end function as FMP will later escape any " characters to \", and the point about Groovy is that its about making it as easy as possible to write the code - which is also why no need to put ; at the end of a line, and why there are lots of Groovy methods which are much simpler to write than in Java

Your issue might be more to with Exchange than the code itself...


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