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Display all records of a TE after a filter

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Hello everyone,
I have two questions:

1/ How to display all  records of a TO after filter;
2/ How to update the field Number of sanctions according to the filter dates.


Thank you

30-10-2015 11-50-42.jpg

Edited by Lotfi
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Are you using a portal filter or a filter on the TO itself?

If you're creating a portal filter and want to show all records, you can use an IF statement within a let like this(you will need to adjust the variables and fields):



dateStart = if(isempty($startDate)=1;date(1;1;1901);$startDate);
dateEnd = if(ismpty($EndDate)=1;date(12;31;2900);$endDate)


dateField >= dateStart And dateField<=dateEnd;



You can add your sanctions filter logic into this Let statement as well 

Edited by GisMo
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1/ How to display all  records of a TO after filter;

That's a very confusing question. If you have a filter, then why - or under what conditions -  do you want to display all records?


2/ How to update the field Number of sanctions according to the filter dates.

If that field is a summary field, defined in the child table, place it in a one-row portal to the same TO and with the same filter as your existing portal.


dateStart = if(isempty($startDate)=1;date(1;1;1901);$startDate);
dateEnd = if(ismpty($EndDate)=1;date(12;31;2900);$endDate)

Filemaker can handle dates in the range from Jan 1, 0001 to Dec 31, 4000.

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