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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

MirrorSync with Repeating fields


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I am having difficulty getting repeating fields to sync. According to the documentation, both spoke and hub layouts should be identical with the maximum number of repetitions rendered for each field, e.g. a field with a maximum of 20 repetitions should display with 20 repetitions on the sync layout.

The sync works fine with all fields and tables except on repeating fields - all 20 repetition values from field on the the hub are showing in the first repetition of the spoke, e.g. in repetition 1 its showing 'value1, value2, value3 etc." with nothing in repetitions 2-20.

My setup is FMS14 Mac Server with MirrorSync 2.505 speaking to iPad FM Go 14 clients.

Any ideas?


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Repeating fields did work at one point in MirrorSync, but we have had similar reports from other customers that this stopped working at some point. We have it on our list to fix this issue, but up until now it has been low on our priority scale because very few users were affected.

I will do my best to check into this soon and get you an answer.

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If MirrorSync does not support repeating fields, then you should reflect that in your documentation:

I keep getting a 102 'Field is missing' error, but I know my Sync layouts have all the right fields, what's wrong with it?

Make sure that the sync layouts are matching in both the offline and server copy. If you have repeating fields, make sure the fields show the maximum number of repetitions that are defined in the field definitions. In other words, if a field can repeat 5 times, make sure the repetitions in the inspector show 5.
MirrorSync 1.4 (11/2/2012)
* Fixes an issue where repeating fields had leading zeros

I have spent over 2 days trying to get this to work which is lost money I will never recover. Your products and support are normally very good but this has weakened my confidence as it has taken 72 hours to get an answer to an issue which is causing a show-stopping problem to find that it never worked as stated when purchased and it was a known issue.
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While I don't know where you got the 72 hour figure from (I responded to your FMForums post in about 2. 5 business hours), I agree with your assessment that our documentation should have been updated to show that this is not currently working.

I will work on this today and see if I can get you a development build that works with repeating fields. I hope that will help your situation.

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No sorry, this does not work. I upgraded MirrorSync to 2.506, went through the MirrorSync config again so to be able to re-copy the scripts, created a new download link (empty clone), downloaded it to the iPad and onOpen, the MirrorSync is run. Repeating fields with data on the server do not have data on the iPad, same as before. It generated an error (sent to you via Bug Report) saying foreign key (zzt_rega_id) does not exist in data columns... the field in question is a standard text field, no auto enter, calc or repetitions and exists both on table and layout.

Hope this helps.

Edited by maverik_uk
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This topic is 3257 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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