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Call Script Immediately

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How do I use "Call Script Immediately", I have looked around but found no real answer and 360Works documentation is poor (too bad because the products are great).


I need the script to run when a calculated balance reaches 0 or less (overpayment).




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Hi Carlos, sorry to hear you were having trouble finding answers. We certainly will take your feedback into consideration. 

The documentation from our website walks you through the three options you have in order to use the module. Once it is registered with FileMaker, you use it like you would any other plugin function -- passing in the filename, script, and any parameters needed for the script you want to run as parameters to the "Call Script Immediately" function. 

Additionally, the ScriptMaster.fp7 file that comes with ScriptMaster has documentation on "Call Script Immediately" in the ScriptMaster Modules tab.

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This topic is 3126 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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