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Sync Abort: No table properties provided

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Hi Jesse,

thanks for the reply. Just now I more or less accidentally figure out what is going on: the client was using an older version of that database where that table did not exist yet. So when the Server tried to communicate it failed. Reconfiguring the sync script without that table, syncing and updating the client (spoke) file did the trick. 

I am not sure whether or not I am correct about this, but I believe this did not seem to be an issue before the latest update. I was able to add tables on the hub and then role out the changes to users individually when they needed to start using those new tables. Again, not sure if that is correct.

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Valentin, you are right - we did some testing and it does cause a problem to add a new table to the sync, if you're syncing with a device with an old sync script. This did not used to cause a problem. We will check into what change we made caused this and put it back the way it was before.

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