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Moving from 1 file to another, retain recordset


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Hi Guys, I have a customer file which is a just a table of data. I then subsequently have a interface file, with a reference to the customer file, however I have a locked layout where the user can find add etc data to the customer table.

The interface file has scripts, values lists etc. and is pretty locked down. I have then created a reports/exports file which is totally unlocked. I have a reference to the customer table and only the customer table is showing in the database diagram.

My question is, if the user is doing a 'complex' find in the interface file, and out of 12000 records they find 641 records. How do I pass that foundset to the reports file. I can't use the GTTR as there is not table occurrence in the reports file, really want to avoid looping through the records.




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Yes, two different files. I don't want the user to access all the business logic if the interface file, hence the separation. Wasn't sure where to post this in the forums, but I think its a layout issue, as I'm hopping from one layout to another layout, in another file. I suspect I am going to have to loop through all the records in a found set copy the ids of the records and find them on the secondary file.

Edited by Jalz
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You can use a summary "List Of" field to get a list of record IDs; and set up a global field in the target report file that points by relation to the contact ID field there; and use GTRR within the report file based on this relationship.

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