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Webviewer doesn't display local pdf file

Noél Dubau

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French user I found a sample of resizing a webviewer (I join that file). I want to display local pdf files in that WV. Under MacOS that runs fine, under Windows 7 or 10 I get the screen copy joined too with only a "Image"

Since tree days I do and undo unsuccessfully ! Perhaps an error in the path but I don't see where ! Hope in yur help





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FileMaker uses PDF viewer control from Internet Explorer on Windows or WebKit on Mac.

So make sure on Windows you have a PDF plugin installed for Internet Explorer, e.g. by installing Adobe Reader.


Or use a plugin like the one from MBS to render preview as JPEG for your PDF and display that in a container.

This way you can make sure user doesn't print/save the PDF.

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  1. I hade done that verification. I uninstalled and re installed Adobre Reader.
  2. Choosing a pdf flie I fixed that reader as application to open/read files with pdf extension.
  3. preceded of the path with antislashes file: ///C:/Lerda_Suzanne07_12_2015.pdf
  4. When I slipped a pdf on the WV I am entitled to the message "Unable to find or initialize the translator of the specified format"
  5. Is the MBS plugin free or not ?



Edited by Noél Dubau
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