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CloudMail Use Field as Body

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What I would like to do is use a field as the body for my message. I have it working using the calculation below but I would like to be able to call fields within those fields. As an example in my Staff::Email Message HTML field I'd like to say Staff::First Name to insert their first name. Is there any way this can be done? It always seems to just insert Staff::First Name into the body of my message even if I surround it with quotes and use proper scripting language. 





Staff::Email Message HTML;
Staff::Email Message Text;
Staff::Email Subject;
(Staff::Email From);
Staff::Email Subject) = "ERROR"

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Hi jshels,

The way to handle this would be to use the FileMaker script step Substitute. You can read about its usage here . You would basically have your body in a field that has placeholders for the information that you want to replace. Then call the Substitute function to replace the placeholders. You can either set the return to another field or to a variable and then pass that into the CMQueMessage function.

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