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Sort table by initial row or most current date

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I have a phone log table thats connected to my main database, this phone log is displayed and sorted by date with the most recent date at the top. I'm trying to create a new Main table layout with a portal to the phone log table that sorts the main table by the Most recent date of the Phone Log Table. I can sort by date of the phone log table but it pulls different dates and not the most recent.


Any thoughts on this?


Many thanks in advance!


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so the max function isn't the right function (I don't think)

When sorting by the max function I get 1 record at the top (the most recent record) followed by all the other records in no particular order below.

I'm trying to sort by (Today) (Yesterday) Then (All Other Dates) Sorted by Most recent date at the top.

Jus too clarify, I have my main database table, then another phone Log table with 5-10 phone log records for each customer in my main table. I'm trying to create a layout that sorts by the most recent date of the phone log entries and just shows the most recent date.

Any thoughts?

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