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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Database Upgrade - Archiving Old Data


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Hi, I have been given the task of upgrading and improving our solution at work which consists of 9 files. I've started by identifying the problems such as data loss or unexpected things happening and have focussed on one file to start with. In an offline file I have made my changes and the file is much more robust and easier to use but the problem is I've made changes on the relationship graph so the data is broken. This is not a major problem as because the data was incorrect it would have taken too much effort to fix but what we would like to do is archive the data, kind of like take a snapshot at which the data can then no longer be changed but can be viewed for traceability. The file is used as a stock database and has all of the transactions for each item. With my changes the transactions are lost, they are in a separate table. I was thinking if I renamed the table and then create a portal on a new table called archived I could then copy the table and delete the data from the new table and make my changes. Would this work?


I have attached an image of part of the relationship graph, the table is called Stock entry and it only has one occurrence as shown



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