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Overdue Calculation

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Hi Guys,

Right, so I'm tearing my hair out over this one, as I just can't seem to understand why it won't work.

Here is my calculation field:


( Get ( CurrentDate ) < DueDate and Paid="No";
"Overdue" ;
"show nothing"

So I'm asking FM to get the date. If the date it larger than the due date (which is another calculation) AND the Paid Field is "No" then the invoice is obviously overdue.

The alternative of "show nothing" it just as a test.

So, the due date very clearly says 15 April 2016. The Paid field is "No". So why the heck is the calculation coming back as Overdue? 

The calculation is set to refresh, so there is no issue there. It's completely odd. 

That said the Paid Yes/No function seems to work. So if the Paid field goes to "Yes", then the calculation field, correctly says "show nothing".

I'm sure its really simply, but I am completely stumped!



Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 17.32.16.png

Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 17.32.38.png

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