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list related records with certain value

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Hi all

I'm trying to create a calculation (order::list) to list related records that have the value of "1" in a field in the related table. My tables are "order" and "order lines". 

I use a portal for "order lines" on my Order layout. Right now they're connected by Order::OrderID and OrderLines::OrderID. Two fields in order lines table are OrderLines::Description and OrderLines::Flag. If the flag field is "1" I need the list field to list what's in the description field with a carriage return for all related records where the flag field is 1. If it's 0 or empty then that record needs to be ignored.

The List function works fine to return the contents of the Description field of all related records, but I'm struggling to make the calculation only look for certain values. I'm sure this is pretty simple but help would be much appreciated.


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1 hour ago, comment said:

Why do you need this?

The system is connected to QuickBooks. The system subtotals on certain rows so when my boss pushes his orders to QB to create an invoice he only wants the information on these rows passed through.

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