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create multiple records on submit

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"The problem is, when multiple documents are selected from the list, instead of creating a separate record for each document..."

Hello. I have been confused. Is each document a separate record in a db file? Or does one record hold several documents?

Is the list which is generated from the search a list of records or a list of documents within one record?

You say that FileMaker creates a record which lists all the documents. How are you getting FileMaker to create this record? What command? A -new action tag or a -script action tag? I know you are not using InlineAction as you are using 4.0. Are you using portals?

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You could have some selections on your form be tokens not fields. Have a -format page that is a redirect. Swap over the tokens into field definitions and create the second record on the second page.

I think


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FileMaker is single-threaded in its handling of ScriptMaker scripts. In spite of the claims by FileMaker concerning their cdml -script tag, you are advised to not run single-threaded handled scripts over the multi-user web unless you can come up with a workaround for the problem. This problem has been widely discussed on these forums, esp. the cdml forum. You would be well advised to do a little research on this before you proceed. You are asking for trouble, data loss and disappointed clients.

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This topic is 8380 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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