Over one's development career, you'll come across a number of people who "think" they know how something really works. You then proceed to show them some of the cool things they can really do, like a "context jump" within FileMaker. You then smile at their surprise, because what they thought was possible isn't even the start of it.
If you don't even know about, or truly understand, FileMaker's ability to jump from one context to another, then you're missing a critical piece to the FileMaker puz
User interface related topics are always exciting when they work really well within FileMaker. Regarding non-modal status updates, e.g. showing the user what happened or is happening, we have a few options we can use. The most simple is to toggle a value which uses a hide calculation to show/hide a given object on the layout and refresh its visibility.
When you extend this notion a good bit further, you can come up with one of the most creatives uses of many hide calculations to take advantage
Spreadsheets really suck!... Long live spreadsheets, they're super useful! This simple contradiction, however, is likely a part of our technological lives for the rest of time. Unless AI removes the need for people to directly interact with data, spreadsheets are likely here to stay. And, for good reason. They're actually super useful!
As a software/database developer you need to realize that not everyone intuitively understands the solution you've created. In fact, the learning curve, may just
Just because you can click the Create button to add a new container field doesn't mean you should do it. In fact, you might want to consider never adding a single container field to your main solution's tables. "Really?", you ask. Yes, because there are many advantages to segmenting a solution into multiple distinct parts. Most media, images, video and audio, is considered "heavy data" and that data comes with a big cost.
It may be that you're unfamiliar with how you can best structure your dat
Providing users with some type of indication about where they are within the current layout is always a nice thing. People don't typically like that feeling of being lost and there are multiple ways to indicate where the user is. A simple header or label is always one of the easiest ways, but, what if you're using disconnected objects. In that case, the navigation itself can often act as the indicator.
The combination of either multiple buttons or a Button Bar, with a tab panel or slider is a v
There's nothing more fraught with errors than allowing a human to enter a long string of digits. Some people are detail oriented and others less so. Who cares if you transpose the seven and zero right? Well, we developers care, that's who. We need things to be user-friendly, fast and exact. That's what you get with barcodes.
Try imagining our modern world without them. It just wouldn't be the same. So, why aren't you using them whenever and wherever you can within FileMaker. Put a barcode on e
When FileMaker simply can't do what's needed natively, you resort to pulling out the old web viewer and just doing it there. Yes, learning JavaScript may be something you're resistant to - or - maybe you've fully embraced the maximum extent of the power we have access to. Either way, there are many things JavaScript can do better and all we need is to move the data back and forth between the web viewer and our fields.
When it comes to a truly natural feeling of drag and drop with lists, your on
It's always interesting to measure the metrics of how long something takes. Adding automation to a process not only saves time, but makes it less mentally taxing. This increases the sense of accomplishment and can make the process itself more gratifying.
I remember being at an amusement park and showing my kids how to measure the amount of time they might be in line by counting the amount of time it took between each time a roller coaster pulled in and how many people it accommodated. By then c
Global fields in FileMaker Pro are a staple of how you define what your user interface can do. Without global fields, your ability to present variable scenarios of data is almost impossible - or - at least, unrealistic. You would be limited to using calculated fields and/or extra data fields, and this can make things really slow, REALLY quick.
Global fields are the linchpin to makings things work well, as desired and efficiently within your FileMaker UI. Without knowing how to take advantage of
Living the 100% FileMaker native life is certainly possible, but can be seriously limiting when it comes to all the things possible with various other technologies. JavaScript, as one of the predominant languages used across the Internet and beyond, is quickly becoming a must-know for every serious FileMaker developer.
In this video I showcase using the MBS plug-in in order to take advantage of the VERY WIDE world of JavaScript libraries and doing it without the Web Viewer. FileMaker's Web View
Thank goodness JSON was implemented within FileMaker. Without it, we would still be using a variety of other methods for handling multiple parameters within a FileMaker script. Using JSON, we now get the double-sided benefit of 1) having an efficient serialization of key/value pairs as inbound parameters and 2) it just happens to be the standard which most of the rest of world is using for a large chunk of how things interoperate.
In this video, and the technique file, I'll showcase a few examp
Once you've repeated the same thing within FileMaker more than a dozen times, you often realize you should really be using a Utility script. A utility script is something which allows you to focus more on the unique solution and less on the routine things you end up doing over and over again.
In this video we take a look at 10 killer utility scripts. These vary from a simple copy field routine to a very useful related record creation routine. Do you find yourself often needing to toggle values
When it comes to using mapping technologies within FileMaker, you've most likely heard about using Google Maps API within a web viewer. Maybe you even know about Bing Maps, Mapbox or even the popular OpenStreetMap.org. The biggest issue with all of these mapping APIs is you'll have to first understand the API in order to achieve your desired result, and then you'll have to jump through the hurdles of authentication as well. It's not as easy as a simple plug-n-play solution.
While authentication
Having created recent videos about accessing APIs via REST, and extracting the free JSON data as well, it would be a glaring omission if I didn't address our need to manipulate the JSON FileMaker provides us with. Yes, the work to put your FileMaker data into structured JSON has already been done. But, the JSON you need for your designated API is always going to be different than that.
Fortunately, we have access to the amazingly powerful and fast JavaScript engine built into each and every Web
Traditionally, performance in computing has revolved around the optimization of bits and bytes — how many can be saved and how efficiently a task can be accomplished. This principle dates back to the era of computers with only a handful of kilobytes of memory, where maximizing efficiency was critical. Fast forward to today, and the same principle holds true. Despite various ways of achieving the same outcome, the ultimate question end-users continue to ask is: 'Can you make it go faster?'
When it comes to programming, there's always more to learn and share. If you've worked with REST APIs in the past, then you may have already devised your perfect system. If not, then this video will showcase a freely available script which you might want to consider first before trying to solve the problem yourself.
In our ever expanding world of coding to standards and systems, many of which have existed for decades, it's always prudent to see if you can beg, borrow and... Ok, don't steal... c
FileMaker solutions don't really care where your data comes from. They've long had the ability to reach out into ODBC & SQL sources of data. So long as the connection is fast and stable, users really don't know, or care, where the data is hosted.
With the addition of Claris Studio, data can even be hosted within a NoSQL database such as MongoDB - although we can't, as of yet, structure any of the data other than through the Claris Studio interface.
This also means you can use the same Exte
When it comes to designing a FileMaker layout, there are always subtle tips and tricks that might not be immediately apparent. Whether it's leveraging a graphic to replace multiple layout objects or finding innovative ways to present information in a navigational portal, the possibilities are quite wide.
Regardless of the current state of your layouts, this video unveils various tricks that can further optimize them. Whether your aim is to create layouts with lower maintenance and maximum effic
Coding software solutions offers the fascinating realization that there are always multiple pathways to achieve the same goal. Sometimes the methods we're familiar with may not be the most optimal, prompting us to expand our knowledge to explore alternative approaches.
This video explores precisely that theme - the comparison between older and newer methods of accomplishing the same task. The advantage lies in the fact that newer methods often come with additional features or benefits. This is
In Part 2 of our exploration of Smart Solution Architecture, we delve into the fascinating aspects of structuring your FileMaker solution. While the 'common' method of structuring a FileMaker solution might be the simplest, it doesn't necessarily guarantee optimal performance.
As the development of your solution evolves, increased complexity naturally accumulates a few 'cobwebs' and you may encounter potential slowdowns. In order to avoid or diminish this, you'll want to be aware of all the pos
FileMaker development is an exhilarating journey which empowers you with the ability to have complete control over the data you want to manage and manipulate. Yet, at times, it can be a test of patience as you strive to achieve the desired results - especially as you're learning. The good news is that, in the vast majority of cases, what you aim to accomplish is not only feasible but likely easier (and faster) to accomplish than in many other development environments.
Although I may be a bit bi
While younger generations of Internet users are increasingly adopting communication tools like Discord, it's challenging to envision a future devoid of at least one distinctive means of communication - email. Could a world without email imply that government agencies, utility providers, and other entities transmit messages based on your DNA sequence, linked to your registered devices? The possibilities are intriguing.
But for the present moment, email remains a crucial part of our digital lands
When embarking on your journey with FileMaker, you encounter the wonderfully visual tool known as the Relationship Graph, which grants you the ability to visually comprehend the intricate interconnections within a complex solution. In fact, the relationships used to link table occurrences in FileMaker are fundamentally akin to those in SQL.
FileMaker essentially offers a visual representation of what would otherwise be a textual definition of a SQL statement. The key distinction lies in the fac
One of the primary reasons developers cherish FileMaker is the freedom it offers to unleash their creativity within Form and List views. You have the power to craft virtually any type of software you can envision. However, when it comes to Table View, it might seem like you're merely replicating what most end users overuse - spreadsheets. Table View was likely introduced to ease the transition for spreadsheet users into the world of databases. Nevertheless, a well-structured data model renders a
In the world of FileMaker solutions, it's almost inevitable that a solution will experience significant growth during the initial stages, followed by a transition to the everyday pace of normal use. When developing those initial features, one of your key objectives should be to emphasize reuse and repurposing. As is often the case, the less you have to manage, the easier it becomes to maintain and update your solution. There's less to re-learn, and your scripts, layouts, calculations, and other