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Everything posted by tuyayenz

  1. Hi, I'm trying to import images into my FileMaker database. My problem is: How can I import all my images at once and automatically match or store it based on the value in the Container in the field? For example: I have 5 images located/stored in the same folder of my FileMaker database: 11111.jpg , 22222.jpg , 33333.jpg , 44444.jpg , 55555.jpg **NOTE THAT FILENAMES CAN ALSO BE ANY RANDOM NAMES LIKE 36745.JPG , 76935.JPG , 36790.JPG , ETC.** -In my FileMaker database, I have PRODUCTS Table. -In my PRODUCTS Table, I have PHOTO Field Name. -My PHOTO Field Type is "Container" -- not 'Text' or 'Calculation'. -My Container Values are: 11111.jpg , 22222.jpg , 33333.jpg , 44444.jpg , 55555.jpg --> So that makes 5 rows right? What I want to do is, import all those 5 images from my folder into my FileMaker database while FileMaker will automatically search for its matching value in the database. Once FileMaker found its matching value/filename, it will place the image in that container. Basically, it will be like this: FILENAME = VALUE (IF 11111.jpg = 11111.jpg THEN place that image in that container) I want to know how to do this because I know it will save a lot of time when importing hundreds, thousand or even hundred-thousand files. I hope my explanation to my problem is very clear to you. Your help will be highly appreciated! Thank You very much in advance.
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