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Everything posted by Franco

  1. there are few way to do what you are asking, realtime image capture, filemaker 6 or 7 osx or win, use the troi grabber (old but it work, mac need Qtime, win nead the twain driver (pinnacle PCtv stereo, pctv usb 2 only xp. Fmp 8, still work the troi grabber but isn't supported and during my test i get some problem. Fm 8 win, i use insidescan that need the twain, from http://www.powersolutions.it/ You can get the best image capture for win using the Hw of http://www.theimagingsource.com/it/welcome/, the hw have the best twain driver i have tested. for mac actualy i don't know a solution for realtime image capture. If you capture the movie using other sw then you can use ps mediaplayer to capture image from the saved movie,http://www.powersolutions.it/ there is a beta version of ps mediaplayer for mac that make possible to get realtime image capture from the video-in box. let me know by franco
  2. try ps mediaplayer plugin www.powersolutions.it
  3. i am a filemaker developer and my contribution could be for italian, english and french languages. I worked for Hp (Medical), digital equipment (salesman), Apple Computer (salesman). I have a particular expertize for medical application, Hotel, CRM, Business intelligence. To contact me: office 0039 6 93540436 cell. 0039 3356292016 email f.pagano@nostopsolutions.com site: www.nostopsolutions.com best regards Franco Pagano
  4. use the ps mediaplayer plugin www.powersolutions.it
  5. www.powersolutions.it, look at the ps mediaplayer plugin. By Franco pagano f.pagano@nostopsolutions.com
  6. try ps mediaplayer plugin
  7. use insidescan plug-in from www.powersolutions.it. also the troi grabber plug-in from www.troi.com, for this i tested it up to the fmpro v7, not 8. i heard about other but i don't tested it yet. by Franco
  8. i use for windows platform Autoit3, http://www.hiddensoft.com/ It is free, you can create some simple .exe application (compile it self), it has a very powerful editor, also is possible to record windows action and more and more, it is a basic like language. Troi is the best choise to be cross- platform, more professional. By franco
  9. why you do not do all you need inside filemaker, just importing the itune info, read and play the data from Filemaker? by Franco
  10. i will make some test to post you an answer by franco
  11. wich platform you use, Mac or Pc? The reason for the question is that there is the possibility to simulate the bar using applescript or autoit, the bar will be in a floating window. let me know By Franco
  12. Check the product here: Here
  13. using the PS Media player you could do, download it from www.powersolutions.it i am the coauthor of the plug-in f.pagano@nostopsolutions.com by franco
  14. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Bologna, Italy, July 1, 2005 - PowerSolutions & Franco Pagano announce the release of PS MediaPlayer 1.0, a plug-in for FileMaker Pro 6 and later which allows Mac OS X and Windows users to play audio and video within a database window. Thanks to QuickTime technology support, PS MediaPlayer is ideal for playing back audio and video files such as MPEG, AVI, Movie, MP3, AIFF or AAC, in a completely integrated manner with your own solutions. Through a set of external functions, PS MediaPlayer expands FileMaker Pro features by letting you: - Play, stop, pause and resume the audio or video playback (also at specified coordinates within a FileMaker layout, in the case of video files). You can also play the complete audio/video in continuous loop mode, or just individual segments. - Get and set the time code, using Time Code format. - Get and set the audio/video playback rate. - Get and set the audio volume. - Copy the current frame image onto the clipboard. - Get the audio/video duration and video size. All of this makes PS MoviePlayer use ideal for creating multimedia database applications with full control of audio and video playback. System Requirements: PS MediaPlayer requires version 6 or 7 of FileMaker Pro. The plug-in is available for Mac OS X (version 10.2 or later, including Tiger) and Windows 2000/XP. QuickTime version 6.0 or later must be installed (QuickTime 7 is recommended and it is available free of charge at http://www.apple.com/ quicktime). Pricing and Availability: A demo version of PS MediaPlayer 1.0 can be downloaded from our Internet website, at the address . PS MediaPlayer prices start at USD 49 for a single user license for Mac OS or Windows. Multi-user and developer licenses are also available. Contact: PowerSolutions Srl Email: info@powersolutions.it Web: http://www.powersolutions.it/ Franco Pagano Email: f.pagano@nostopsolutions.com All products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
  15. www.powersolutions.it is developing (i am testing it) a plugin that give to filemaker the complete control of media file, play, loop, back forward, pause, volume control and more ask them for more info by Franco
  16. also www.powersolutions.it has the right plugin by franco
  17. www.powersolutions.it is developing (i am testing it) a plugin that give to filemaker the complete control of media file, play, loop, back forward, pause, volume control and more ask them for more info by Franco
  18. www.powersolutions.it is developing (i am testing it) a plugin that give to filemaker the complete control of media file, play, loop, back forward, pause, volume control and more ask them for more info
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