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Urgent! Unexplained error-can't find database name in post arguments

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I am running Webstar 4.0 and using the filemaker web server. Running Filmaker pro unlimited 5.0v2 on a seperate machine.

I'm getting an error when I add a record through the internet that has about 4 pages worth of text. The error is "unexplained error- couldn't find database name in post arguments"

It'll add a record with just a few paragraphs of text fine. But not any more. I tried editing a large database that was already in the database and that too would not work. everything with smaller ones is fine. there are only a few fields involved in the form.

Everything works fine, locally(including adding large records), but when i separate and put it on the server is when the problem starts to arise.

Why is this, what's the problem and how to fix!! Thanks! crazy.gif" border="0

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