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Plotting Multiple Records in Google Maps


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Ive been using this with much success since it came out. 

@schamblee has done much work with google maps and has provided sample files. You can also earch this site and find the samples. 

Heres a screenshot of one of mine



Edited by Steve Martino
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I'm really struggling with the coding here, maybe someone can help. I've attached the stripped down version to show just geographic coordinates from the source provided (https://community.filemaker.com/docs/DOC-3321 ) but when I try to recreate those elements, I can't seem to get the plotting to work. I've attached the working file and the non-working file. To me they both seem identical. Can anyone tell me what is missing in the non-working file? Thanks.



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The problem may be as simple as you have nothing in your Html global field and Source global fields.  Copy the value from the working file into the Html & Source of the non working file, and it works (for me)


Edited by Steve Martino
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