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plan to later in the week make some alterations to a solution which is the same database that gets cloned and sent out to end users.

There will be some new fields added and some fields will be tentatively removed or renamed. Other then rename/removing of fields if I get the bulk of the system updated before I alter the syncLayouts what other things must I be aware of for field workers who may have unsynced records on their iPads thru the week?

also, is there a recommended way (other then sending out an email) a way for their database to know once they have synced data on their device to the host that there is a new 'build' available and present them a link to download it?


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I've reproduced and fixed the JDBC date issue, it will be in 3.02 release, which will be out by mid-next week at the latest. If you want, I can send you that developer release.

You should be able to add new fields without breaking syncs with existing offline files. Removing / renaming layouts or fields WILL break the sync with existing offline files.

There is no automated way in MirrorSync to notify users when a new version is available. However, we're working on something for that ;-)

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  • 7 months later...
On 8/17/2016 at 0:18 AM, Jesse Barnum said:

I've reproduced and fixed the JDBC date issue, it will be in 3.02 release, which will be out by mid-next week at the latest. If you want, I can send you that developer release.

You should be able to add new fields without breaking syncs with existing offline files. Removing / renaming layouts or fields WILL break the sync with existing offline files.

There is no automated way in MirrorSync to notify users when a new version is available. However, we're working on something for that ;-)


Interesting topic.

If new fields are added, and old ones modified...it means i must go through all sync settings again and change as nesesarry ?


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This topic is 2663 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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