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Charting Multiple Tables On Scatter Graph


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I am capturing financial information for 5 companies (probably not more than 5 companies would be needed), that are related to each account in the database. Each account in the database would have a different 5 companies associated with it. I want to graph specific data of all 5 companies and the account on a single scatter chart. I am having problems getting the chart to show more than one companies set of data. I currently have a table for each of the 5 companies, would I be better off to have all of the financial data in one table? If I went with separate tables for each company, what is the best approach to create the scatter graph showing the 5 companies plus the account on the chart? Example of data to be entered, AT and ROS are the elements to be charted.


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Taking data from different data sets to combine for a single chart.... not able to be done directly in FM charting (although I'm happy to be proven wrong).

Two approaches - use a temp table to store the date from each place into the one place, and chart from that, or the VirtualList approach - https://filemakerhacks.com/2014/05/17/virtual-list-charts-part-2/

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2 hours ago, laguna92651 said:

I currently have a table for each of the 5 companies

Do these tables have the same fields? If yes, they should be one. Then you won't you have this problem (and a multitude of others that you just haven't run into yet).

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I would want each company series for; Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, to be a different color, so if I used one table I would need 6 sets of Sales (Sales 1, Sales 2, Sales 3...), 6 sets of Net Income etc. to have control of he series markers, correct?

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5 hours ago, webko said:

Taking data from different data sets to combine for a single chart.... not able to be done directly in FM charting (although I'm happy to be proven wrong).

It depends on what you mean by "directly". A chart can be based on return-delimited data - and there are several ways you could combine different data sets into a single return-delimited list "directly" in a calculation within the chart setup, for example by concatenating several List() and/or ExecuteSQL() function calls.



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Got the scatter charts I wanted using multiple tables and return delimited data (using List function). What would be the best way to filter the financial data in the scatter chart by year and/or company? Show only certain companies, hide/show a data series. Show only data for certain years.

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