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Preventing duplicates when creating new records using Set Variable

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I have two tables: Person and Recruiting

Within Person, I have a field Person::Source (which indicates the recruiting event we first met the person)

Withing Recruiting, a record is created for each recruiting event. 

I have the Person::Source field set to run the following script each time I enter a new Person record, which then creates a new Recruiting record

Freeze Window

Set Variable [$Source; Value: Person::Source]

Go to Layout ["RecruitingList" (Recruiting)]

New Record/Request

Set Field [Recruiting::Recruiting Event; $Source]

Go to Layout [original layout]

The problem I am having is that we have several Person records with the same Person::Source value, and each time I run the script is creates duplicate records in Recruiting. Is there anything I can add to the existing script that will prevent the new record from being created if it the record already exists? 




Edited by Lee Smith
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Sure, after the Go To Layout, do a search first and only create a new record when the Find does not find anything.

As an aside: you don't need to use a global variable ($$source) here, a local variable will do: http://www.soliantconsulting.com/blog/2014/02/all-variables-should-be-global-or-not

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I would start by defining the Recruiting Event field to validate as Unique.

Then make your script:

Freeze Window
Set Variable [$Source; Value: Person::Source]
Go to Layout ["RecruitingList" (Recruiting)]
Set Error Capture [ On ]
New Record/Request
Set Field [Recruiting::Recruiting Event; $Source]
Commit Records/Requests
If [ Get ( LastError ) = 504 ]
  Revert Record/Request [ No dialog ]
End If
Go to Layout [original layout]


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