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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

SpamAssassin - smtp HELO command


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Does the 360Works email plugin allow for specifying the mail host in the SMTP helo command?

I am trying to improve our company's spam score as we are sending lots of HTML emails, currently if I send an email from outlook my spam score is good (9.8 out of 10), but if sending through 360Works email this causes my spam score drops (7 out of 10) because it is reported to be sending the IP address not the hostname?, the report on mail-tester.com states that SpamAssissin has flagged up with the following error "IP used in the HELO request, The hostname should be a domain name, not an IP address"  even though in my FM scripts I have only specified the mail hostname with username and password?

Apparently it is the email client that should include the hostname for the helo command.

Excerpt below from samlogic.net - SMTP Commands:

"HELO (Hello)
The client sends this command to the SMTP server to identify itself and initiate the SMTP conversation. The domain name or IP address of the SMTP client is usually sent as an argument together with the command (e.g. “HELO client.example.com”). If a domain name is used as an argument with the HELO command, it must be a fully qualified domain name (also called FQDN)."

Any help would be appreciated




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