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Could not initialize JavaScriptConnector

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I have a WebDirect application hosted on at an ISP. When users try to access it from outside their corporate network things look fine. When users try access the ISP hosted application from inside their corporate network, the first message that loads is :

Could not initialize JavaScriptConnector because no JavaScript init function was found. Make sure one of these functions are defined:

What's interesting is that if I don't use a DNS name to access the application from outside the corporate firewall then I get the same error. In other words if I http://www.Domain.com/fmi/webd?#Database it works but if I use http://[IP ADDRESS]/fmi/webd?#Database then it doesn't work.

This is a big problem because when this error message comes up the interface loses some functionality, such as the [TAB] key doesn't move to the next field.

Any ideas?

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  • 4 months later...

I have run into this error as well.  It seems to only happen on Safari, though; Chrome and Firefox (yeah, I know - not official) don't show the error.  In my case it only shows up briefly as the user is loading the WebD layouts, and then it goes away and the proper layout is displayed - so there is no loss of functionality.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have this issue too - tabs don't work, but otherwise all seems to be OK. Just get the error flashing up at the beginning on Safari.

Screen Shot 2017-11-21 at 16.43.29.png

Edited by Terrible Toll
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