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Payment Info Popover


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Hello All,

We are using the Invoice starter solution as our database for entering our PO's in the Payment info Popover, I want to modified to suit our needs.  I want to put the "All items received" and "Forwarded to Accounting" in the radio Button selection. 

What I want is, If I select "Forwarded to Accounting" I don't want to see the word "Paid", I want to see only "Forwarded to Accounting" and the date or "All items received" and the date.

Please see the attached file that I'm working for easy reference.

Thank you in advance to any help that you can extend.



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Hi Karen

The file you have uploaded is broken. I just get a message that the table cannot be found when I open it. Can you check it and re-upload please?


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Still a non-functional file but at least it opens.

Your relationship doesn't work, you seem to have deleted the Invoice ID field.

The original Invoices table had 33 fields; your has 19.

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I want to see only "Forwarded to Accounting" and the date or "All items received" and the date.

What date are you referring to? Do you mean the current date?

Case    ( 
IsEmpty ( Method ) ; "Set Payment Status" ; 
Method = "Forwarded to Accounting" ; Method & ¶ & Get( CurrentDate) ;
Method = "All items received" ; Method & ¶ & Get( CurrentDate);

$$PLATFORM = "Desktop" ; TextStyleAdd ( Status & "    " & Date Payment ; Bold )  & ¶ & TextSize ( Method ; 12 ) ;

Status & "    " & Date Payment & ¶ & TextSize ( "    " & Method ; 16 )

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Hi Bruce,


Thank you. Yes its the current date. I tried to put your formula and it works perfect. 

Hope Im not asking too much favor, but pardon the newbie. I have again another issue. I want also to change the Word "Paid" into "All Items Received" or "Forwarded to Accounting" in the field "Info".

Thank you for the Help and most specially your patient.

Best Regards,


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