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Interaction with MS Outlook on Windows

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I have a FileMaker customer who currently uses ACT for their CRM on Windows. They have a plugin for Outlook on Windows that automatically detects any emails that are sent to or from any of their ACT contacts and makes an entry in ACT to record that email.

The customer would like something similar for the new CRM we are creating for them in FileMaker so that emails they send or receive are automatically recorded in FileMaker without them having to manually record it.

Does anyone know of any Outlook plugin or other technique that could be used to trigger a script in FileMaker to record the email there if an email address used in Outlook matches one stored in FileMaker?

They want to continue using Outlook, so I cannot suggest to them using FileMaker as their email client.

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Two options:

- a FM plugin like the Outlook Manipulator to check the Outlook mailbox periodically (may interfere with the user's experience unless you can do it server-side)

- an Outlook add-in (custom built) that does the same and communicates directly with the FM file on the server (bypassing the FM on the client so that it works even if the solution is not open on the client).  I've done a few of those outlook add-ins.  Downside is that the logic/code base is not in FM so not easy to maintain for a FM dev

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