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Subtract Percentages

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I have a field called Profit % that is calculated using If ( price = 0 ; -100 ; ( 1 - ( cost_price/ price ) ) * 100 )

which of course displays a percentage. What I would like to do is make another field called Discount with a dropdown value list of say 0,10,15,20,25 etc...that will subtract whatever percentage is selected in the dropdown from the Profit % field and display the results in another field called Final Profit.


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What is the calculation to subtract the percentage chosen in the dropdown field called Discount from the percentage shown in the Profit % field and display that in another field  called Final Profit?

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Attached is a screen cap of what I'm trying to do.I have 4 fields. cost Price which is the client's cost, Price which is the selling price...the dropdown that is a member of a value list called discount percentage and then finally just a field called Profit.

What I would like to be able to do is allow the user to select a percentage from the dropdown menu and have the profit field calculate the dollars of profit. Which I assume would be something like... Price - cost price - discount percentage = profit

However I can't get the dropdown to actually subtract a percentage?


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12 hours ago, OneStop said:

What is the calculation to subtract the percentage chosen in the dropdown field called Discount from the percentage shown in the Profit % field and display that in another field  called Final Profit?

Calculation do not display in other fields. Make Final Profit a calculation field and use the formula =

Profit % - Discount


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I misspoke in my earlier post. I don't need Percentage Profit calculated....what I would like to do is have the Discount dropdown subtract a percentage from the Price field and show the Final Profit number?

My Discount dropdown is a member of a value list with the percentages listed in the Value List. At the moment...the Profit field is a calculation of Price - Discount Percentage but it's only subtracting the amount not the percentage...for instance:

If the price is 1230.00 and I select 30% in the dropdown it's showing the Profit as 1200.00 instead of 861.00

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Ok, once again i figured out what I needed to do based on your example. I turned my Discount dropdown into a number field as part of a value list with 0, .1, .15, .20, .25, 30 as the values... then I modified the appearance to be a percentage. 

Then I modified my profit field to use your calculation   "price * ( 1 - discount select ) - cost_price"

No selecting the 10% 20% 30% in the dropdown  shows the proper profit numbers. 

Thank you so very much. I've learned a great deal from your help.

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