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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

password login needs to only view their record info.


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I am somewhat new to Filemaker, but have some basic experience in Db's.

Here is what I am trying to accomplish:

I have a database that contains the records for individual users. I have assigned a group, and each user has a password in that group. Then I limit their access to a specific layout with certain fields not accessible. My problem is I want each user to have access to only their record. As it sits now, any user can access any other users info and change it.

Do I need to make each user a separate db file or is their a way to limit access to an individual record?

I really appreciate your help in advance.


Don Andrzejczak


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Following on from Keith... I'll bet you are using Instant web publishing, and you are using FMP's built-in access privileges and you've set up groups and passwords.

Beleive it or not, not many people here know about Instant publishing. Most people quickly realise that it's very limited and move over to custom publishing.

I have a feeling that Instant does not honour the Groups/Layouts you've set up -- a limitation of Instant Web Publishing, perhaps. In which case you too will have to start learning custom web publishing.

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Sorry, I wasn't very specific in my message. To answer your question, yes, I am using instant web publishing over the web. I also set up a group with passwords assigned to each user and then access to only a specific layout and fields.

I've partially answered my own question. I see Filemaker 5.5 has record level security now. This should limit users acces to their own records.

I am very curious to "custom" web publishing, what is this and how to I learn more about it?

Thanks much,


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Custom requires a knowledge of either html or how to use an html editor. Claris Dynamic Markup Language (cdml) tags are embedded into html files. This creates format files which we refer to as such in FMPro developments. Though we get sloppy and often refer to all of our files as format files. The result is that it gives you, the developer, greater control over everything.

How do you learn it. I took html on-line at Santa Rosa Jr. College. Others learn how to work html editors. Then you get the cdml reference (links are found on these forums or it comes packaged in FMPro 4.0 or in FMPro 5.0 Developers' edition). Then you might get one of the tutorial references found refered to on these forums. Or you might hard knock it and try working just from the cdml reference.

Be aware that there are a lot of examples which require additional languages such as JavaScript, including the examples provided by FMI. Those examples add a complexity to your learning if you do not know the languages.

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I am using GL with FM in 99% of time; just have a peek at Adobe GL forum.

GL does not handle CDML, but it will not destroy it.

On the other hand, the FM CDML code sometimes shifts layout.

And I am using the <noedit> tag quite a lot in value lists.

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I have never used GL or any other editor. I write a basic template for my project and use that to start each format file. Then I just write html/cdml. If the examples of code which have been published here are any indicator of what text editors do with plugging cdml form actions and action links into html, it appears to me that there is a lack of syntactical order (not structure, as it does not affect how the code is read or operates) which I find makes it more difficult to read and edit.

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If you are using FMP5.5 it has record level locking. This isn't perfected over the web, you may or may not experience the results you are looking for, your best bet is to have the users logon to a Username/password page (which actually does a search) and have it find for their records, you will have to have a username/password field in FileMaker though. If you can I would move away from IWP, the second you start asking if it can do something is the second you should drop it.

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