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I have tried linking some databases on our network from our intranet web page, using the following syntax. "fmp5://[host_IP]/filename".

This is apparently supposed to open the specified hosted file on the local machine. All the link does is launch FMP5 or bring FMP5 to the front if it is already launched. - Have only tested on MacOS.

ANY Ideas?:

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If you have WebCompanion enabled and your databases shared with WebCompanion a url would look something like this:

For instant web publishing:

For custom web publishing:"mydb.fp5"&-lay="layout1"&-format="myhtml.html"&-findall

This is assuming that WebCompanion is configured for port 80.

Hope this helps.


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No web plug in is used, it is purely a HTML link from a web page that would look something like this.


where "" is my Filemaker 5 server


where "database" is the name of the database I would like to open IN FILEMAKER.

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Thanks Gary

It think it does work. there is an article on FileMakers KB that lists it as a feature. (Article #107462)

When I click the link, FMP opens (or becomes the Active App if already open), but the specified file does not open. That is what I am trying to work on.

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I guess FMServer must be seeing the fm5:// protocol.

The knowledge-base speaks only about the Status function (CurrentFilePath) for calculations and scripts.

You could try putting the database file in the Web folder of the FMP program folder. I know that you can access database files, only in this folder, with Web Administration. Worth a go!

All the best.


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yes! I have fixed it.

NB: Filemaker installs a protocol helper in your browser (fmp5 smile.gif" border="0

All I needed to do was make sure there were no spaces in the filename and then add the .fp5 file extension, then bingo.

Happy Days

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think and opener file would be much more elegant and significantly less complicated. (The more time I spend on this forum the more I tend to believe that some people actually prefer "more complicated.")

For info on an opener file, see the FAQ forum. It was posted some months ago so select to view all messages.

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I don't prefer more complicated.

Why bother maintaining 200 opener files, when I can have a link on our intranet page that will do the same job. It is deffinately LESS complicated than an opener script, and a feature of FileMaker worth using. If we didn't eplore these new features we would all still be using FileMaker 2.

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