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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Web survey?


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I want to conduct a web survey, and import responses into a database as automatically as possible. I don't see anything in the documentation about soliciting data through the web. I'm thinking there must be some way to use standard HTML forms, in which mail is sent to me each time a respondent submits data, and automatically (?) have that data imported into my database. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! (By the way, I know that Dragon Web Surveys can do all this, but I took one look at the price and could only laugh. It's obviously targeted at corporations, and I'm just a poor social scientist.)

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Thank you for the responses. As it happens I do know HTML. I write mostly by hand, but also with the help of PageSpinner, Dreamweaver, and the W3C's validation service. I don't know beans about Java or XML, but my HTML (to be specific, XHTML 1.0 Transitional) is current and clean as a whistle, for what it's worth. (If you want to check it out for yourself, take a look at www.matt-thorn.com ) I've never used Instant Publishing, and probably won't, since I doubt it produces clean HTML. I've downloaded the CDML files you recommended and will begin studying. Thanks again!

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