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spell check on the web?

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Not as far as I know, no. You could set up some field validation to perform some sort of spell checking but it'd be a huge and probably unrewarding task. It's probably getting into the realm of AI.

Many web interfaces use a submit-review-confirm process to allow people to see a "finished" version of their post and give them the opportunity to edit the mistakes themselves.

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thank you.......I was hoping that file maker had some java applet already created that used the dictionary. I do not want people to have to spell check their info in a word processing program then submit to the database..seems like too much work in this computer age. Any other recommendations would be greatly appreaciated.

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This is a feature that would have to integrated into the *browser* not FileMaker Pro or Web Companion, since it's the browser where the text is being entered into the form.

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Let me add, that browser is not a FM client, so you can expect another things (better or worse) from browser.

Actually the is communication connection between browser and middleware (WebCompanion) and between middleware and FileMaker. But there is never ever any communication directly between browser and FileMaker.

If you go even more deep, there is only split second connection between middleware WC and FileMaker data and WC can call some functions like Find and Sort and transport the result (data) to the browser.

Based on this you can see it will me major step for FileMaker Inc. to develop something like this.

Furthermore, FM does have this functionality and you can use it. If you need to use spellchecker do it through connected FM clients.

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