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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

List view jumps to top when I scroll

Clayton King

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It's been a while since I've developed a solution in FM. This may not be the right place to post, but searching didn't get me anywhere.

Using FM20 and, in list view, when I scroll down to view more records, the screen automatically jumps to the top. Can someone please help me with this?

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2 hours ago, Clayton King said:

in list view, when I scroll down to view more records, the screen automatically jumps to the top

Does it happen in the attached file?

If not, look for something in your file that causes it - such as a script trigger. If you cannot find it, post a copy of your file that shows the problem (and only the problem).



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Then is a record locked preventing other networked users entering it: https://community.claris.com/en/s/question/0D50H00007DMaGvSAL/record-locking-prevention ... then might the behaviour you here have issues with, be because the way you say eyeball patterns in list view, be slightly against the way the tool is meant to work?

Could you try to describe the scenario a bit further?


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30 minutes ago, comment said:

Does it happen in the attached file?

If not, look for something in your file that causes it - such as a script trigger. If you cannot find it, post a copy of your file that shows the problem (and only the problem).


Vendors.fmp12 308 kB · 3 downloads

OK, when I add table view and sort by a column, that's when it happens - in your file and in mine. 

I'm attaching the file. Layout is Prospects in table view.

EE Potential Donor List - July 2023 Converted Copy.fmp12

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5 minutes ago, Clayton King said:

OK, when I add table view and sort by a column, that's when it happens - in your file and in mine. 

First you said List view, now you say Table view. In any case, I am not able to reproduce the claimed behavior in your file. And if you say you see it my file too, then it's probably something in your system. Or you are doing something extra you're not telling us about (I would certainly prefer knowing whether the problem occurs in a file you did not create or modify - that's why I posted mine to begin with).

FWIW, I am testing this in version 18. Still, I believe that if there were such an obvious bug in v.20, we would have heard about it by now.


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My bad on the original list vs table description. I can't imagine what's 'different' on my computer as I just installed Filemaker and started using it. I thought perhaps there was something in preferences that might affect the display, but not seeing anything pertinent.

I recall a couple of years ago reading something about this jumping business having to do with either sorting by a column and scrolling, or something like that.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to post your file. I'll just have to keep looking.

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Hi Clayton,

Could you be changing a value which changes the sort order and the layout sorts (if checked 'keep records in sorted order') so the table view jumps to the new location in the record set?  Could you take a video of your screen showing exactly what you do to cause the jump?  😀

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4 hours ago, Clayton King said:

My bad on the original list vs table description. I can't imagine what's 'different' on my computer as I just installed Filemaker and started using it. I thought perhaps there was something in preferences that might affect the display, but not seeing anything pertinent.

I recall a couple of years ago reading something about this jumping business having to do with either sorting by a column and scrolling, or something like that.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to post your file. I'll just have to keep looking.

I'm the other one poking into your file, neither can I replicate the behaviour you found. Tiny suggestion, would be ... do not consider filemaker as such, a spreadsheet - But instead a relational database, where some sort of normalisation have taken place ... an example is the use of Phone1 and Phone2 containing exactly the same formatting - why isn't it broken out in a separate table - if need be provisions of a third phone, number. The same goes with adresses - I can straight away come up with companies of a size where two adresses won't suffice.

However would i turn: Let(tt = "4415551212"; Replace (Replace ( Replace ( tt ;  Length(tt)-3;0; "-" ) ; Length(tt)-6;0; ") " ); Length(tt)-10;0; " (" )) into a single custom function to replace the autoenter calcs found under both date fields. Where is the "tt" is build out of areacode "441" and "5551212" the number...

Edited by Søren Dyhr
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Thanks for the comments. I threw this together from multiple spreadsheets from multiple people. Ultimately that's exactly what I would do, but in the interest of first cleaning the data I left the separate phone number in a single record. The same is true for multiple contacts at the same company, although that is more rare.

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11 hours ago, Clayton King said:

Thanks for the comments. I threw this together from multiple spreadsheets from multiple people. Ultimately that's exactly what I would do, but in the interest of first cleaning the data I left the separate phone number in a single record. The same is true for multiple contacts at the same company, although that is more rare.

Yes normalising data on it's way in from a spreadsheet can be a little tricky, sometimes demanding a broker table, which journals the errors showing up when attempting.  There isn't any signs of anything being fair and squarely in the realms of a database,  except for the multi user aspect of it. But this could perhaps be handled just as well in Google Sheets:  


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