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Help! Need a web-accessible database.

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I need some advice. I've got a folder full of .pdf files and .xls files that I need to make available on the web.

I have:

- a functioning website, domain names, etc.

- good knowledge of HTML

- Dreamweaver 4

I need:

- to search database from the web, find, and download .pdf and .xls files

- to allow certain (but not all) users to add database records and upload files

- to restrict general users to search/download only

- to fit in with certain design standards set by host web site

Is Filemaker the way to go? Do I need more programming knowledge to make it work?

Any informed comments or opinions would be greatly appreciated.


Peter Schrock

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FM will allow you to:

- to search database from the web, find, and download .pdf and .xls files

- to allow certain (but not all) users to add database records.

Not to upload files; this will need to be done by the web-server.

- to restrict general users to search/download only

- to fit in with certain design standards set by host web site

FM is easy, and quick, to develop with.

All the best.


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This topic is 8228 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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