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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Tabbing in Instant Web Publishing


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Wehn I use instant web publishing I have noticed that the tabbing feature to goto field to field does not function correctly.. I have it set in the database to go from fld1 to fld 2... from fld2 to field 3 etc... but in my browser it seems to be in a random order such as fld1 to fld4... from fld 4 to fld2 and so forth .. can anyone help...

Thanks Stu

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You are discovering why most contributors to these internet forums use Custom. Instant is wysiwyg. There is not much you can do. You might try changing your db layout and experimenting with the tabs. As it is now do they follow any order? If so arrange your layout to follow that order. You cannot alter the html/cdml in instant.



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This topic is 8298 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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