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excel web queries with fm on the web

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what about an import from filemaker over the web

basically i was just wondering is there any way to extract data from filemaker online without having to write a massive program to parse all the data from html

[ February 25, 2002, 02:36 AM: Message edited by: thewalker ]

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Yikes! Keith has proposed a -script solution smile.gif

Actually, depending on how frequently you need to file updated, you can use a plug-in called schedule-it to run a script that exports the data into a txt file. You can simply make a link to that file and it should download to the client. The up side of that is that you do not have to enable cdml-run scripts. The downside is that the client might get a version of the txt file that is not perfectly up to date.

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Whether db initiated or www initiated, scripts in any multi-user environment can be problematic. And, done improperly, an edit also can be problematic. Thus one must always take precautions to ensure that data is not lost, that clients are properly informed and that users (employee or stranger) are not impeded. A simple concept with no simple answers. But there are answers. Developers provide them.

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