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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Advice on web language (HTML, PHP, ...)


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I am new to the whole database design and web site design/create.

I have finished designed a database using FM4 and i want to publish it on the web. I have the web companion running now but i want to expand and do a custom web page to view/edit my database. Here are my questions:

1) I am stumped as to which language i should use to write my web page. I am aware that CDML code must be used to work with the FM database but is there any advantages to write my page in PHP or would XHTML work just fine.

2) I would have a group of general users who i don't want to have access to editing the database and a group (administrator) who can edit/add record ...the works. Would PHP handle this or should FM take care of that?

3) I also have a set of scripts written in FM and wonder if i could run those scripts from the web or do i have to rewrite them in my web page?

4) I have a field for every record that includes a URL. How would i open that URL, in CDML or PHP (I am seriously web handicapped)

5) Please feel free to give advice which you might think i have overlooked.

Thank you in advance

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--Look at Lasso. http://www.blueworld.com/

CDML is originally based on Lasso technology, so Lasso is very FileMaker-friendly. And Lasso gives you advanced features and pre-built components. Lasso can also support ODBC and SQL.

--For PHP, check out www.iviking.org for FX.php, which is "a PHP class that pulls data from FileMaker Pro using the XML output by the Web Companion."

It sounds like Lasso might help you implement things more easily, but it is a commercial product. Even so, you should consider a good book that covers Lasso, and/or a training session.

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  • 3 months later...

1) I am stumped as to which language i should use to write my web page. I am aware that CDML code must be used to work with the FM database but is there any advantages to write my page in PHP or would XHTML work just fine.

CDML will be fine for most cases.

2) I would have a group of general users who i don't want to have access to editing the database and a group (administrator) who can edit/add record ...the works. Would PHP handle this or should FM take care of that?

Use the FM "Web Security" Database.

3) I also have a set of scripts written in FM and wonder if i could run those scripts from the web or do i have to rewrite them in my web page?

Generally, it is best not to run your Scripts from the Web. However, some Scripts may be run depending on the type of actions and the probability of User collisions.

4) I have a field for every record that includes a URL. How would i open that URL, in CDML or PHP (I am seriously web handicapped)


5) Please feel free to give advice which you might think i have overlooked.

Check the CDML Forum for an insight into some of the capabilities of CDML.

All the best.


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